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Music Theory 10-18 ELC009 Self-Paced

  • 52 týdnů
  • 27 úkolů

O nás

In this course, students study music theory beginning at the very basics of notes and going through to more complex parts of music theory such as musical analysis and triads. Students begin the course by studying the parts of the musical staff and learn about concepts such as note lengths, time signatures and the clefs. Next, students combine the notes they have learned about to form both major and minor scales. After mastering their ability to both write and identify scales, students study intervals as well as triads and triad inversions. Now, the music theory course moves into musical terminology (such as for speed, volume or style) as well as musical form, before finishing with a look at musical analysis.

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The Pangea Virtual Education Group is based out of Brainerd, MN. Princeton Online High School, a Pangea member school, is based out of Princeton, NJ.

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