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Modern History 8-18 HST036 Self-Paced (NCAA)

  • 52 Weeks
  • 17 Steps


In this course, students study the history of the modern world - beginning in 1750. Students start their journey through modern world history as they study the revolutions which in many ways began the modern era of history. Students take in-depth looks at the French, American, Haitian and other revolutions. Next, students study the Industrial Revolution and the wide-ranging impacts of the new technology which it introduced, including its effects on how people around the world worked. The course now turns largely to the growing injustices which built up around the world in the buildup to WWI. The conflicts between industrial laborers and slaves and the wealthier and growing middle class are studied, as well as the colonization and imperialism which played an important role in the governments of many western nations at the time. After studying the World War I, students study the interwar period, the rise of fascism and the disastrous effects of the World War II. Next, students study the rising conflict between the USA and Soviet Union in ideologies during the Cold War, before students finish the course with a detailed study of modern globalization.

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The Pangea Virtual Education Group is based out of Brainerd, MN. Princeton Online High School, a Pangea member school, is based out of Princeton, NJ.

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