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Join date: 6 Okt 2022


Aryan Marxaney is the Head of School of the T4N Pinnacle Academy. He has been able to bring the school to new heights with his energy, experience, enthusiasm and unique ability to adapt online learning to a 21st century model. As head of school, Aryan has been responsible for a large number of milestones, inclusive of the school's accreditation by the GEAC and NCAA. In addition, he has made it possible for nontraditionally schooled students to be part of an HBEAA accredited program, by providing a streamlined HBEAA accreditation process. Under his leadership, the school has attracted expert educators from around the world. Aryan has also pioneered the pedagogical methods, such as the smart course system, used in Pinnacle Academy classrooms and has opened new horizons in the courses available for students to take whilst still in school.

Before joining the T4N Pinnacle Academy as its head of school, Aryan already had a vast amount of expertise in the education realm. Aryan began his pedagogy work in a British primary school (American equiv. - elementary school), where he engaged students through a sequence of term-long interactive science lessons. Aryan's science classes soon became a roaring success, with the number of students coming to his club sessions constantly on the rise. It was Aryan's experience with teaching in primary school that led him to become fascinated with pedagogy. Aryan soon began teaching in virtual environments to students in elementary school in subjects inclusive of science and world history. Founding the T4N Pinnacle Academy, Aryan decided to focus on providing a high quality education to children globally, a mission which Aryan has surely accomplished with much success. Aryan quickly turned his attention toward the creation of engaging yet individually-paced classes, a format which would allow for the seemingly effortless proliferation of excellent curricula around the world. Aryan applies his vast amount of knowledge in child psychology, educational psychology, developmental psychology and adolescent psychology to creating courses and developing a dynamic and exciting learning experience for all students. Aryan is also a certified IPI Senior Instructor for all core course subject areas. Aryan has served as a guest speaker and host at multiple respected education events and conferences, inclusive of the International Pedagogical Institute Global Education Summit. From Cognia(TM), formerly AdvancED, Aryan has received eleot(R) 2.0 certification until October 2024.


First Name
Aryan Marxaney
Last Name

Aryan Marxaney

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The Pangea Virtual Education Group is based out of Brainerd, MN. Princeton Online High School, a Pangea member school, is based out of Princeton, NJ.

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