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Geometry 13-18 MTH007 Self-Paced (NCAA)

  • 364 يومًا
  • 8 خطوات


The geometry course allows students to learn all about geometry and the basics of logic. Students learn how to use proofs and learn about many different proofs in their study of both 2D and 3D shapes. Students gain a solid understanding of triangles, quadrilaterals and polygons, as well as gaining a very good foundation in 3D shapes. Students learn how to use trigonometry in triangles and learn about trigonometric functions and identities. By the end of the course, students can use geometry in both coordinate planes and can study geometric objects without them. They learn how to calculate perimeter, area, surface area and volume. Students have also learned about aspects of probability including conditional probability as well as permutations and combinations, and have also learned about various transformations for 2D and 3D shapes.

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The Pangea Virtual Education Group is based out of Brainerd, MN. Princeton Online High School, a Pangea member school, is based out of Princeton, NJ.

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