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Algebra I 8-18 MTH006 Self-Paced (NCAA)

  • 364 Days
  • 105 Steps


Algebra I provides students with a solid grasp of algebra, allowing them to understand how to solve equations, how to use formulas, how to graph both linear and exponential equations and functions and how to solve systems of linear equations and inequalities. Students grasp concepts such as sequences as well, learning about linear, exponential and quadratic functions and the relationships between them. Throughout the course, students will build on knowledge gained from previous courses as they use different operations to solve and graph equations and functions. There is also an emphasis on being able to create equations and functions for a variety of real-world problems, such as half-life and compound interest.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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Codka jamhuuriyadda soomaaliya

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The Pangea Virtual Education Group is based out of Brainerd, MN. Princeton Online High School, a Pangea member school, is based out of Princeton, NJ.

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ስላስገቡ እናመሰግናለን!

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