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Animal Anat. & Phys.10-18 ELC075 Self-Paced

  • 52 Weeks
  • 16 Steps


In the Animal Anatomy & Physiology course, students study the structures and functions of the animal body. Students start the course with an introduction to the chemistry of life and the basics of cell biology, before delving into comparative general zoology. Next, students take a look at body organization of various animals, before turning to the animal skin system. Next, students learn about the skeletal-muscular system in animals, after which the course takes a look at the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system. In the next section of the course, students study the lymphatic system, digestive system, urinary system and reproductive system, before finishing the course with a look at the nervous system, sensory system and endocrine system.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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The Pangea Virtual Education Group is based out of Brainerd, MN. Princeton Online High School, a Pangea member school, is based out of Princeton, NJ.

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